Each player starts with 2 battlers and 62 console cards(Hypers,Bases,Tools,Commands,Background Tasks) for a total of 64 cards
objective is a battler knockout and 2 points is required to win!
If both sides have equal Objective Points then the battler with the lowest HP is KOed and then used to determane the game
Each player starts with 2 battlers and 62 console cards(Hypers,Bases,Tools,Commands) for a total of 64 cards
At the end of both players turn each battlers HP is compared to the battler across from them. The one with the most HP goes into the middle zone for capture. if both battlers have the same HP then niether enter the zone.
objective is to capture the middle zone by having the most battlers in the middle. If there is a equal amounts from both sides then no points are given. To win you need 10 objective points
If both sides have equal Objective Points then next player to capture the zone wins.
If one side has their battlers KOed they auto lose as they can not capture the zone!