NeoCatics Bit Cards

NeoCatics Bit Cards Rules

Start of the game

Play your 2 battlers face down on the field

Draw 4 cards from your console deck

flip a coin to see who goes first

Then flip all battlers face up

NOTE: Card draw, battler count, and deck size may vary on gamemode Rules will go based on standard

On Your Turn

Start: Draw cards until you have 4 cards in hand

charge any Attacks (Base/Hyper) using your Charge Pool

Once Per Turn: Place a card from hand into your charge pool (Face Down)

Once Per Turn: Play One Console card from your hand (Unless you are the first turn)

Battler Actions (Per Battler)

*The first 2 turns will have some restricted actions denoted with ~

Attaching a Recode

Attaching a Tool

~Using any move

A battler can never use a move that will kill itself!

attacking/Using Moves

Moves must have a valid target

Moves cannot self KO the battler using it

There are 2 main types of moves.

Base Moves

that use 1 charge and are used instantly

Hyper Moves

which need 2 charges and are used instantly after the second charge. A battler only has 1 attacking turn by default


Recoding is an important part of the game in order to give your battlers access to powerful moves!

Recoding can happen Once per type of recode

You can replace a recode with another, but the charges/usages will reset!

Hyper Recodes

Hyper Recodes are a special type of card that is under the Recode Card category

Hypers are powerful Recodes that require 2 charges

Base Recodes

When playing a Base Recode this will count as your recode per turn. When played you attach and as long as the base is attached the old base move can no longer be used. When this base recode is attached only the base Recode and your hyper can be used. If the base move is used, you then use a charge on this card. After 2 usages the card gets discarded.

Attaching Tools

When attaching a tool to a battler you may only attach 1 tool per battler. To attach a tool, you must have a battler with no tool attached. Once a tool is attached it cannot be removed.

Stun Clause

If a battler is stunned, then when using a move. Flip a coin. If heads the move will be successful as usual. If Tails Nothing happens but if the move was a Hyper Recode, it will get discarded as if it were used successfully. If it is a base Recode it will take a usage no matter if it fails or not. Stun only lasts for 1 turn.

Vengeance Claws

Vengeance Claws triggers when you have less battlers than your opponent

Under Vengeance Claws you gain

Winning the Game

Score all objective points based on gamemode

Loss Conditions

All battlers are KOed

If you cannot charge an empty pool when your turn begins

Rules updated 2/18/2025 V1.2